What the plugin does:

Allow your customers to deposit funds (credits) into their accounts, reward them with discounts when ordering, build loyalty, and push them to buy from your shop.

How you can benefit from it:

  • offer a iscount when buying credits to build an effective loyalty program, for example, have users pay $90 and get $100 worth of credits. This is common practice in popular e-commerce platforms like Shein and AliExpress, and it’s much appreciated by online shoppers;
  • send email notifications to encourage users to deposit funds when their credits are about to run out;
  • monetize and get a recurrent cash flow by getting orders and payments before users actually purchase products;
  • offer a cart discount to customers who pay using credits to also promote credit deposits and customer loyalty, e.g. offer a 5% discount if the order is paid for with credits.


License Type

GPL License

Download the GPL installation file and install it. If you encounter problems during the installation period, please raise a ticket to us through our support ticket feature.

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YITH WooCommerce Account Funds Premium

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